A warm welcome to the International Training Camp of the Hungarian Department of AIKO which took place at the famous Lake Balaton in the town of Balatonkenese.
Happy that I was invited with my student Niels, who instructed in Kickboxing this week.
More than 150 participants had signed up and, in warm conditions, three trainings were held daily in the open air.
Sensei Atilla Hartyanyi has already had decades of experience in organizing this type of activity and a strong backdrop of instructors with a high technical level and experience in karate.
Instructors like Attila Durgó, Csaba Abuczky, József Mosonyi, Szabolcs Haklik, János Bárány Viktor Antalics, Máté Antalics Krisztián Horváth,Bence Seszták are people that the organisation can be proud of.
Young and old came up with a varied program of kihon, kata and combat techniques taught by the various higher degrees.
AIKO Hungary has been a strong pillar for our organization since its accession and has a great potential for practitioners who also have very disciplined and high technical standards.
I was also very pleased with the arrival of participants from Turkey and Bulgaria, countries that are currently busy with the development of AIKO in their countries
The camp was completed with a 3-hour exam followed by the lovers and dives in the beautiful Lake Balaton
I would like to thank all the instructors and participants of this event for their commitment, hospitality and friendship and next year there will undoubtedly be a big return from AIKO Karateka from several countries.
Turkey will hold a major international AIKO seminar early next year and further information on this will be announced shortly.
In the coming months, there are still some countries in my program like Greece, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Romania, Turkey to make our style even bigger.
My respect to the Hungarian Association and his members.
Dave Jonkers Shihan August 2017
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng
- Report of AIKO Summercamp Hungary 2017 Balatonkenese-eng